About Pim Wever

Even as a child, Pim was preoccupied with drawing and painting. Growing up in the polder, in freedom, amidst the nature in West Friesland, nature is also inevitably his greatest source of inspiration. Furthermore, he is a freethinker with broad interests and a man of imagination, contemplation and action.


Commisioned works

Pim Wever (1966) lives and works in the Netherlands. After his initial study of structural engineering, he graduated from the Royal Academy of Art & Design in 's-Hertogenbosch in 1994. He discovered his passion for sculpture while studying at the academy in  's-Hertogenbosch. The combination of his engineering and art studies dovetails perfectly with his current activities. All this has resulted in a diversity of works, most of which were made on  commission. His designs range from pieces of jewellery to fountain sculptures several metres high and he is experienced in the utilization and implementation of state-of-the-art techniques.


Pim still experiences it as something very special whenever someone asks him to make a sculpture. In his words: "It's something like a meeting of kindred spirits. The people who commission a sculpture are people with an open attitude and a broad perspective, people who have higher aspirations. In order to arrive at a good design it is very important for me to feel the client's engagement in the process. Without that, the object I make will never really 'come to life'. My line of approach is to be of service. My ultimate goal is always to create a sculpture in which the client recognizes beauty and which exceeds their expectations. For me, making exeptional and thoughtful objects and thereby stirring the human spirit in a positive way, is a matter of survival, it's what keeps me standing, in the midst of everything that's occurring on this earth."


Autonomous works

Pim Wever's work raises questions about our relationship with nature and technology and how they shape our identity as human beings. By examining the tension between uncontrolled growth and cultivation, Wever explores the ways in which we have become domesticated and disconnected from our primal nature. He suggests that this disconnection has led to a latent sense of helplessness that pervades our lives. Through his work, Wever invites us to consider our place in the world, not only in relation to other people, but also to nature, animals, plants and the earth. He argues that our relationship with nature is fundamental to our understanding of ourselves and that our current disconnection from it causes a loss of "natural, instinctive acuity. Further, Wever questions the role of technology in shaping our humanity. He reflects on the ethical implications of hybridization and transhumanism and the impact of technology on our sense of self. He suggests that our uncritical embrace of technology could lead to a loss of what makes us human. Overall, Pim Wever's work encourages us to reevaluate our relationship with nature and technology and to consider the implications of our actions for our own humanity. He challenges us to think beyond our domesticated selves and embrace the raw edges of our primal nature. His reflections on these subjects have resulted in the "Korper series," among others: energetic wildly shaped objects laced with or punctuated by technical interventions. The 'Unseeing series'; on seeing, or not seeing, cultivation and domestication have brought us much, but we are also losing something; our natural, sharp eye.


 Photo left: Pim Wever at the foundry